I installed and folowed procedure described here : https://wiki.i-mscp.net/doku.php?id=plugins:phpswitcher
All seems all right and i can switch php versions.
Yet, i've got to principal problems
ioncube dont' work anymore (i used to have PHP5.6 and i just install PHP 7 : if i configure as described ioncube seems don't work . but if i try to retrun to PHP 5.6 from the plugin pages, i dont' work anymore as well .
(of course, it worked before and i restart server each time).
Is there any other main file i shall configure ?
As described i'got also DISK QUOT exceed on my VPS (of course i have lot of space avalaible and configure as root) so i can just install on php version more and anything else it appear since i install the plugin
Can you please give me advice ? thx